Day 8: Hallett to Spalding

Lurch made us an very large breakfast and a surprisingly good coffee for me. We were happy to get underway early, to miss the winds which apparently would start later in the day. Unfortunately, the flies had the same idea, and attached themselves very early in the ride. We rode up some hills to the wind farms, with lots of kangaroos and sheep to say hello. We couldn't stop for sustenance because the flies were just so bad, but we managed to slow down and walk our bikes whilst we ate.

The weather was perfect and we made good time to arrive in Spalding around lunch time. Our cottage is a palace, with a sitting room, a dining room, reading room etc. I would recommend this place to anyone. The owner, Carole, dropped by with strawberries and fresh oranges and has arranged to provide dinner for a nominal fee. Apparently, as it was Melbourne Cup Day today, the pub across the road will not be providing much for dinner.

Spalding is a one pub town, as we discovered when we went for a walk earlier. We waited until later in the day, because of the flies, but although there were less, they are still just as annoying. We were looking for the Broughton River, where you can fly fish, but it's eight kms away. So we did the rounds of the town and looked at the local creek, which didn't seem to have any water in it.

On our return to the palace we discovered that the Melbourne Cup Partyers are still there. They have just got louder. Adding to our woes is the thought of an 80 km ride tomorrow in 50 km winds. I can't wait.


The Wildongoleechie Hotel or Wild Dog will be sorely missed. These days, sleeoing in a bed that is U shaped is quite unusual. It meant that I had to sleep on my back all night. My body no longer goes U shaped sideways.


Pic 1: We're headed for those things - apparently we get pretty close.


Pic 2: It is looking possible we will get there.


Pic 3: It is only a matter of time.


Pic 4: if only our path there was direct - it isn't.


You might just be able to make out a very small kangaroo on the top of the ridge up near the rhs turbine.


Finally, we are there - and quite close. They supports are 80 metres high and the blades are  close to 70 meters long.


...and as we look into the distance, we are now headed for these little beauties. You know the story.


Past the second lot of turbines and now down on the flatlands. This area has a network of small creeks leading into the Broughton River. We can see here the top of the bank of one of the creeks.


And they have quite a few irrigation channels. Don't think this is it but one of the famous ones (which we will ride beside tomorrow) is the Bundaleer Channel. There is a lot of tussock grass growing beside the channel and the leaves/seeds whatever they are are like little arrows which go into your shoes and socks, some of which get through and dig into your skin. Ouch!


Another dry creek bed. I think this was called Freshwater Creek. It would have had fresh water in it at some stage I am sure.

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